How to add a simple calculated field to a google form?

Add a short answer question in your Google Form and use our add-on to write the expression to dynamically calculate the value for this short answer question.

Add a short answer question in your Google Form and use our add-on to write the expression to dynamically calculate the value for this short answer question.

Google Forms does not support dynamic calculations, but you can use Formfacade for calculating and displaying calculated values in your form. For example, you can calculate the total amount in order form based on the price and order quantity entered by the user.

How to show dynamic text using form data?

Step 1: Open your Google Form > Click on "Add-on" menu > Select "Formfacade" > Formfacade popup menu will be shown. Select "More options" > Click on the "Customize" button.
Step 2: Formfacade customize admin interface will open in a new tab. Click on the gear icon next to the desired field label (question) to open field settings screen.
Step 3: Select the "Answer" tab and write the text/expression in the "Calculate" option. When you enter @, you will see the list of all the fields in the form. Select the required form field. It will automatically insert the field.

How to do simple calculations using form data?

Let's calculate the total amount by multiplying order quantity & price form fields.

The calculations can only be performed on number fields. Add the "IsNumber" response validation for Short Answer question. Any question with IsNumber field will be automatically treated as number so that you can do calculations on those fields.

Click on the gear icon next to the "Total amount" label. Field settings popup will be displayed. Select "Answer" tab and write the formula Price * Quantity in "Calculate" as shown below.
Dynamically calculate the total amount based on price and quantity form fields and display this in real-time to the user filling the form.
Made with formfacade