Email address

There are two ways to collect email address in Google Forms. You can enable the "Collect email addresses" option in the Settings or add a short answer question with email address response validation.

There are two ways to collect email address in Google Forms. You can enable the "Collect email addresses" option in the Settings or add a short answer question with email address response validation.

Option #1: Enable collect email addresses

You can enable the "Collect email addresses" option in form settings to add email address field in your Google Forms. Please follow the instructions below.

Open your Google Forms and click on the ⚙️ icon next to the SEND button. Settings screen will be displayed. Enable "Collect email addresses" option as shown below.
Google Form automatically adds email address as the first field in the form as shown below.

  1. Email address will always be the first field in the form.
  2. You cannot make Email address as an optional field.
  3. You cannot change the field label. It will always be displayed as Email address.

Option #2: Short answer question with response validation

You can add a short answer question with email address response validation to accept valid email address. This gives you more flexibility than the collect email address option. You can add this question anywhere in the form, enter the desired field label, and make this as an optional or required question. Please follow the instructions below.

In Google Forms, add a short answer question by clicking on the add question icon as shown below. Then click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation.
Select Text > Email address to add the response validation to check the email address format. If required, add a custom error message and enable the Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question.
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