Linear scale

Linear scale question allows users to provide a numeric response to a statement or a question. The end points of the linear scales can be named to provide a reference for the users. You can create a linear scale that starts from either 0 or 1 and ends on a whole number from 2 to 10 with labels for each end of the scale.

Linear scale question allows users to provide a numeric response to a statement or a question. The end points of the linear scales can be named to provide a reference for the users. You can create a linear scale that starts from either 0 or 1 and ends on a whole number from 2 to 10 with labels for each end of the scale.

How to add a linear scale question?

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Linear scale question
  • The default scale is from 1 to 5. If required, update it & add labels for each end of the scale
  • Enable Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question as shown below
Linear scale question allows users to provide a numeric response to a statement or a question. The end points of the linear scales can be named to provide a reference for the users. You can create a linear scale that starts from either 0 or 1 and ends on a whole number from 2 to 10 with labels for each end of the scale.

Linear scale questions are typically used for questions related to satisfaction, likelihood to recommend, opinions on service, feature etc. For example, you can use the linear scale question to ask your users to rate their ordering experience on a scale of 1 to 5, ask the standard NPS question to your users and give them the option to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 etc.

Default scale (1 - 5) with labels for endpoints
1 2 3 4 5
Extremely dissatisfied Extremely satisfied

How to create a NPS survey question?

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Linear scale question
  • Update the scale to start from 0 and end on 10
  • Add labels for each end of the scale
  • Enable Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question as shown below
Linear scale question allows users to provide a numeric response to a statement or a question. The end points of the linear scales can be named to provide a reference for the users. You can create a linear scale that starts from either 0 or 1 and ends on a whole number from 2 to 10 with labels for each end of the scale.
Updated scale (0 - 10) with labels for endpoints
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all Extermely likely
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