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Change layout, hide fields & redirect on submit
Embed in website
Embed Google Forms in your website
Assign points
Assign different points for each answer & calculate score
File upload
Upload files in Google Forms without login
Autofill form
Transform emails into Google Forms responses using AI
Email notification
Email Google Forms response to your users & co-workers
All products
Enhance Google Forms into CRM
Collect legally binding signature in Google Forms
Fillable PDF
Generate customized PDF from Google Forms responses
Signature workflow
Collect multiple signatures in Google Forms
Intake form
Create intake forms that accepts eSignature from patients
HIPAA form
Mask PHI fields in email & links for HIPAA compliance
Prefill & email
Prefill Google Forms & send as email to customers
Add legal & HIPAA compliance to Google Forms
Meal Prep Software
Meal prep software for weekly changing menu
Online Canteen
Take canteen orders for weekly changing menu
Order form
Calculate order amount in Google Forms
WhatsApp form
Take online orders from your WhatsApp contacts
Payment form
Registrations, memberships, & bookings using Google Forms
Website builder
Create website with community features
Take food orders for frequently changing menu
For example, if you want to conduct a survey to determine the sleep habits, you can ask users about their sleeping schedule using time questions. What time do they usually go to bed? What time do they wake up? How much time after they go to bed do they actually sleep?
You can use the time question to capture time in 12hr AM/PM format by following the steps below.
You can use the time question to capture duration by following the steps below.
Google Forms time question offers limited customization. You can either accept time in 12 hr am/pm format or duration in hours, minutes and seconds. However, you can use the short answer question with regular expression validation to accept time in 24 hr HH:MM military time format.
Click Submit to finish.